Sunday, May 2, 2010

There Is No “I” in Team or in Taekwondo

Before DeSantos Martial Arts, it never occurred to me that TKD would be a team sport. Some people can do it alone. I could not - and still cannot. TKD is the hardest thing that I have ever done in my life. Just as KJN changed my life, so have Sir Sean, Ma’am Toni, Sir Ian, Lyne, JP, Sandy, Shidoshi, the Boyles and the Fallers as well as Tom and David.

Sir Sean has pushed me well beyond what I thought were my physical and mental limits. Whenever I think I just do not have that one more burpee or cannot make it up that hill one more time, I hear him reminding me that it is more mental than physical. His lessons, as well as KJN’s, have helped me change how I perceive myself.

Ma’am Toni, Sir Ian, JP and Sandy, have always been available whenever I have needed help. Their patience and kindness is something that I endeavour to emulate.

Lyne volunteered to run with me last fall when she knew that I was struggling with the Saturday morning runs. She got out of bed early to spend it with me when she did not have to. After all, this was my black belt cycle not hers. She had already had to get up early last year. On top of that, we trained during the week as well. I have been very lucky and blessed to have had her support, friendship and advice as I travel this path.

Shidoshi has encouraged me to be calm, to focus and to breathe. I often forget to breathe.

Elizabeth and Ray, my partners in crime, or as I often say, my fellow old folks, have been there with me from the beginning. I started TKD a few months after they did. From the beginning they have taken me under their wings. I could not have imagined embarking on this adventure without them. Connor, Aaron and Ariana all embody the Principles of Black Belt. You are phenomenal young people.

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David and Tom have been there to cheer me on and help me overcome one of my biggest fears. With their encouragement I ran a 5k race even though I was terrified and embarrassed that I would be the last one to cross the finish line. “No one left behind”, is what they told me and they crossed the finish line with me.

Jay has been with me on this journey from that very first, scared step that I took. Without his support and encouragement I may have never walked through the doors of DMAS. We never expected to find the friendships nor the community that we have at the school. For us, TKD and DMAS has become a way of life.

This black belt will not belong to me alone. It belongs to all of you that have helped me get to where I am. I have needed KJN and all of these people, as well as the rest of my team to lift me (ok push me) up to where I am. I still have a long way to go. I'm still the slowest runner, I still struggle with my forms and I still have a lot of weight to loose. However, I know I'm going to get there because I have people that believe in me. You all have taught me to believe in myself. For that, I will be forever in your gratitude.

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